Monday, April 9, 2012

Anti-Semites of the Democrat Party

These liberal left fascists are really beginning to show their true colors. . .


Lee Whitnum, an author from Greenwich, is running to be the Democratic nominee for a U.S. Senate seat from Connecticut, called U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy (D-CT), one of her opponents, a "whore" for Israel during a debate last night.

"I am dealing with whore here, who sells his soul to AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee), who will say anything for the job," she said, in regards to Murphy.

Whitnum also lashed out at another opponent, calling him "ignorant."

Whitnum: I want to change my closing statement a little tiny bit in response. I’m appalled that when I talk about the neo-conservatives it’s somehow twisted, some sort of a racist comment. This is documented fact, the neoconservative role in the taking down of Iraq, unnecessary war is a fact, it’s not opinion. I am dealing with whore here, who sells his soul to AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee), who will say anything for the job.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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