Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hopelessness & Stubborness

by JASmius

Why doesn't the Regime want to fess up to why they blatantly lied about the permanence of their economically cruel drilling ban in the Gulf of Mexico after the Armus crisis? Isn't it obvious? Nature itself took care of the oil spill, once again proving environmental extremists and their contrived hysterics wrong. But behold, Barack Hussein Obama has his Marxist Bible, and he will not deviate from it in the slightest; and near the top of its Commandment list is, "Thou shalt not allow the proletariat to enjoy access to plentiful, cheap energy by which they will inevitably drift away to worship other gods instead of you."

Besides, he was never going to carry of those hick, redneck, racist dixie states anyway, right?

Following is the underlying cause of high gasoline prices, followed by Vice President Senile P. Goofball artlessly and witlessly trying to claim that the dog ate it when Barry wasn't looking.

And some still wonder why the "replace him with Hillary" rumors persist.

[cross-posted @ Hard Starboard]

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