By Douglas V. Gibbs
Sarah Palin called it the "Good Ol' Boys" Network. Her presidential running mate was a product of that mentality, both because he was a moderate, and it was McCain's turn to get the chance to be President. The GOP establishment doesn't care about winning, conservatism, or what the people want. The voters can be manipulated, made to think their vote is wasted unless they put it down on the candidate the establishment wants, and like last time, the cesspool in Washington got its way.
A Tuesday win in Wisconsin for Mitt Romney will all but seal his victory in the Republican Party race for the nomination. Romney finished as the heir to the nomination four years ago, and the establishment began the race this election season with that message front and center. It's Mitt's turn, and the voters will do as they are told.
Romney, realizing that it takes conservatism to at least have a chance, moved to the right four years ago, just as he did this season. He finished 2008 as "The Conservative Guy" as compared to moderate McCain, so his popularity at that time with conservatives was reasonable. Many of them held on to it, and those the establishment fears, the real conservatives, could not decide who to coalesce behind, during this election season, making the "anti-Romney flavor of the month" a fun thing to watch, if you like watching musical chairs.
You vote your conscience in the primaries, and you vote party in the general election. With a bum like Obama in office, that is pretty much going to be a necessity. Romney knows this, and will "etch-a-sketch" right back towards the left as promised, in the hopes of picking up those precious independent voters, too. The conservatives will be mad because they will have been slighted. They have no choice. A vote for a third party candidate that better fits their conservative mold will be like giving a vote to Obama. Deciding to not vote because holding their nose for Romney is just too much will be like giving a vote to Obama. So, they either vote for the lesser of two evils, which is still voting for an evil, or let Obama be President again, and complete his destruction of America as it was founded.
For the sake of the election, I just hope Romney chooses his running mate well, as McCain did. . . but it may not be enough.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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