Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Tantrum Worthy Of A God

by JASmius

And here I thought liberals were big, big fans of Darwinism:

Now why would he be seeking to sharpen differences between his "extreme, radical," corrupt, disastrous economic vision, snuck into power, like his presidency, in 2008 by the "Trojan Horse" of the Democrat Financial Logic Bomb, that has given America three plus years of recession and double-digit unemployment that his regime has had to cook the books full-time to try and hide as being all the way down to "stagnation" and 8+%, respectively; and the GOP's vision of dragging his jack boot off of the private sector's throat, allowing it to finally get back on its feet, and commencing the herculean task of digging out from the horrifying Himalayas of debt Red Barry has piled up that might, someday, lead to a balanced budget over a generation from now, which will mean (1) we're finally no longer adding to the debt black hole The One created and (2) the country has somehow managed to survive? It would seem to any rational individual that that's the last contrast the Li'l President would want to heighten.

Then it dawns on the rational individual - he's not "sharpening differences," but simply blasting his challengers with a bullshit canon. You'll note that he's not talking up his economic (or any, really, except perhaps "I got bin Laden!," which he didn't, really) accomplishments, because he doesn't have any results he can run on, and the boondoggles he has signed - Hogzilla, Cash For Clunkers, {ahem} ObamaCare - have been {ahem} miserable failures, and in the case of the latter may be reversed altogether by the "judicial activists" he threatened in the tantrum he threw yesterday. His record, in a word, sucks, so that limits his tactical political options. All he can do is distract, demonize, and lie, lie, lie.

But when the rational observer pays closer attention, another aspect of False Messiah's psychological condition emerges: He isn't just scared of failing to trigger the fresh "crisis" that would allow him to finish overthrowing constitutional government and entrench himself in power forever, and consequently losing prohibitively in November. He's also perplexed that all the ideological poison he was force-fed his entire life hasn't produced all the utopian wonderfulness his Marxist-Alinskyist teachers and mentors, from his parents to his grandparents to Bill Ayers to Uncle Jeremiah, assured him it would. It's one of my own incontrovertible facts of life: Morale is a function of expectations. Comrade Hussein really, devoutly, blindly beliefs in the Gospel according to Marx. Das Kapital is his Bible, the Communist Manifesto his Decalogue. It never, ever occurred to him that if he ever got into power and was able to impose this "heaven on Earth," that it wouldn't work. It's shattered that worldview completely

But he can't let go of it. He can't accept that everything he's ever been taught, everything he was brought up to believe, is not just bullshit, but itself the {ahem} "focus of evil in the modern world". So, unable to direct those feelings of rage, anger, fear, and betrayal at their proper targets - his parents, grandparents, Bill Ayers, Uncle Jeremiah, etc. - he lashes out at his enemies in the most intemperate, unpresidential, puerile, politically self-destructive way imaginable, his victims another whole race of strawmen.

It's as I've said for the past three years: Barack Obama is a one-trick pony who slithered into power on a tsunami of fraudulent hype, quickly ran out of anything original to say, and has been flailing around ever since as his failures have become more and more comprehensive and inescapable. And now he's commenced the dirtiest, nastiest, meanest, filithiest, most savagely billious villification campaign in American political history in the hopes of maximizing turnout of his own lunatic fringe base, so completely turning off independents that they stay home in droves, and ACORNing his way to victory over a Republican base that swallows the Santorumoid/Tea Party kool-aid and gives MItt Romney the finger.

And I'm not exaggerating.

Times several.

[cross-posted @ Hard Starboard]

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