Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tolerance of the Intolerant

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Liberals sure are angry. Atheists are too.  It amazes me how angry those people are, yet they demand tolerance by all of those around them.

A friend of mine posted on Facebook a response to some classmates who were exhibiting confusion about Easter. She left a message explaining the meaning of Christ, and what the Holiday means to believers. At that point a bunch of them ambushed her, calling her names (like freak), and hammering on her for daring to push her religion on them.

I stepped in and left my own comment, telling them that they may not believe in God, but He believes in them, and then left them a link to my True Message of Easter post.

How quickly the ravenous beasts turned on me.

Their main attack explained how we were pushing our religion on them by informing them on a matter they had obviously little knowledge about.

These masters of tolerance, however, are also the kind of people that were behind pushing prayer out of schools, because their intolerance of those that want to pray was more important.

These are the same kind of people that push evolution on everyone, and disallow creation to be taught in the schools.

These are the same kind of people who refuse to tolerate the Christian belief about homosexuality, and then use government to push their belief in justifying the behavior on the students in public schools, despite any opinion to the contrary.

And they accuse us of pushing our religion on them because we explained the meaning of Easter?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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