Saturday, May 5, 2012

Constitution Radio welcomes Congressional Candidate Dr. Eva Johnson

 Dial in live at 2:00 pm to join the show: 888-909-1050. Show begins at 2:00 pm Pacific,

Guest: Dr. Eva Johnson, Congressional Candidate, California 42nd District.

Book of the Week and Constitution Quest Question of the Week will follow.

Constitution Corner discusses Treason.

5 Big Stories of the Week, May 5, 2012

Honorable Mentions: Arkansas Woman Loses Lottery Million

5. Cinco de Mayo: Proof The People Are Mindless, Gullible Sheep - The Holiday The Beer Companies Made, in order to sell more beer.

4. Junior Seau Death a Blow to NFL’s Head, Seau was only 43

3. Obama Celebrates Anniversary of Osama bin Laden Death, Spikes Football As Much As He Can

2. Cleveland Bomb Plot: Occupy Movement Goes Terrorist

1. May Day, Violence, Secularism and Marxism


Nuts and Nuggets

Nut: Elizabeth Warren: After criticism that she listed herself as a minority on college documents in order to receive assistance, claimed she has Indian heritage, and that evidence of that was her Grandfather’s high cheekbones. A genealogist then researched her family history and proclaimed Elizabeth Warren as being 1/32 Cherokee Indian.

Nugget:  Lesley Stahl, 60 Minutes. Jose Rodriguez, CIA interrogator who was head of the clandestine services for George W. Bush.

Stahl: "So, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was subjected to waterboarding, specifically 183 pourings of water in about half a dozen separate sessions. Jose Rodriguez said the average pour lasted ten seconds."

Rodriguez: Can I say something about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed? He's the one that was responsible for the death of Danny Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter. He slit his throat in front of the camera. I don't know what type of man it takes to cut the throat of someone in front of you like that, but I can tell you that this is an individual who probably didn't give a rat's ass about having water poured on his face.

Stahl: He never believed for one second you were gonna kill him?

Rodriguez: No. And let me just tell you, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would use his fingers to count the number of seconds because he knew that in all likelihood we would stop at ten. So this doesn't sound like a person who is afraid of dying.

Stahl: So what happens? Did the sheik break down? Does he cry? Does he fall apart after your waterboarding?

Rodriguez: No. He gets a good night's sleep. He gets his Ensure. By the way, he was very heavy when he came to us and he lost 50 pounds.

Stahl: What, his Ensure? You mean like people in the hospital who will drink that stuff?

Rodriguez: Yes. Dietary manipulation was part of these dire techniques.

Stahl: So sleep deprivation, dietary manipulation, I mean, this is Orwellian stuff. The United States doesn't do that.

Rodriguez: Well, we do.

Ensure Orwellian? Is she serious? LOL

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