Monday, May 14, 2012

Liberty is our Resistance

By Douglas V. Gibbs

In the face of liberalism unchained, where the democrats work to finish their creation of a command and control central authority run by them, it has become clear that dark days are ahead. In this liberal theocracy those that dare speak out against them are being called out and punished. Don't forget it is always darkest before the dawn.

There are those that have decided we have passed the point of no return.  The people aren't listening, and the progressives are out of control in both political parties.

I am an optimist. I refuse to accept that the only way to turn this around is to pull out our guns and have it out in the streets with the authoritarian government.

I agree that Romney is not what we were hoping for. He's a progressive with an R after his name. He is a globalist who may be willing to keep heading us in the same direction Obama has us in. Perhaps.  But I believe our ability to contain him is better, that he will listen to Congress more, and use Executive Orders less.

Will Mitt be perfect? Of course not. The guy is a RINO, for God's Sake. But when you have a choice between a capitalist and a socialist, I will take the capitalist any day of the week.

Faced with bad candidates, a political establishment in both parties determined to destroy the nation as founded and bowing down to the international left, and an economy in shambles because of the liberal policies of tax and spend, it's easy to feel defeated. The fight to change the direction of our country won't be easy. But how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

Liberty is our resistance. Education is our weapon. Enough voices will bring this all to a tipping point, and we will change things.

But, if we don't, then it may take the 2nd Amendment to turn things around. After all, that is what it was written for.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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