Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Body Language: Tension Between Putin and Obama

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The main-extreme media is all over the fact that President Obama, and Russia's hardliner Vladimir Putin, spent some time talking, and then came out with stern faces. No friendly chatting. No interaction of any kind. Apparently, they are upset at each other.

With the liberal left, nothing is ever as it seems. They are the masters at playing games, slinging propaganda, and conditioning the masses. Of late, thanks to the new media, they have been getting caught, and now more people are aware of the left's antics. As we watch the media trying to make Obama look as if he had it out with Putin, we must remember that they are liberals, and they are probably full of crap.

Let's examine everything for a moment. Barack Obama has an image problem. He is seen as weak, inconsistent, and in over his head. The messiah has turned out not to be a leader, but a little pipsqueak that continues to blame his woes on everybody else. The liberal media has been in the tank for Obama since the beginning, so they do what they can to make him look good, even if they have to lie and cheat to do it.

Do you know who didn't have an image problem?

Ronald Reagan did not have an image problem. He was seen as tough as nails. Reagan took on the Soviet Union, and won. When he was elected, before his inauguration the Iranians released the American hostages in Tehran, knowing that a new president, with a tough image, was about to take office.

Until the politics of destruction were launched by the liberals, George W. Bush didn't have an image problem, either. His toughness was primarily characterized by this tough stance he took on terrorism. When he said the United States would take the fight to the enemy, they believed him, and ran for the hills.

Kennedy was viewed as a tough president, as well. His willingness to stand up to the Russians during the Cuban Missile Crisis was seen as a tough stance, and it was appreciated by all Americans.

Obama tried a few times, and they all backfired on him. Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria are all in turmoil, and Obama's weakness has been revealing itself through these tests. Weak presidents don't get reelected, and the liberal left democrats, and their ever obedient liberal media, know it.

So if Obama can be seen as standing tough against Putin over Syria, he might be able to salvage his image, yet.

Someone asked me if the body language between Putin and Obama was staged. Maybe Barry said to Vlad,
"Hey, I will bend over backward for you after I get reelected, but those pesky supporters of the bourgeois vote too, and I need to look tough to get some of their votes. Let's pretend we had it out, so that I can get those votes. Then after I'm elected we'll talk about how the United States can back off militarily, and cut our defenses down to the bare bones."


Remember, Obama told Medvedev,  "I'm gonna have a lot more flexibility after November when I win." 

Whether it's staged, or not, the media is taking advantage of the cold body language between Obama and Putin.

Tension. That kind of tension shows he's a tough President, they are saying. He's standing up to that ol' Rooski. He's telling Putin to quit with the support of Syria.

In reality, it was probably the reverse. Putin was probably bullying the man-child Obama. "Look, American, we will do as we please. You don't like? Tough."

Maybe, Putin even lectured Obama on how to be a better authoritarian. You never know.

One thing is for sure, I am not falling for all of this "body language" talk by the media. Like with everything, they are reading it the way they want, and are propagandizing their findings at will.

Don't forget, Putin and Obama have a lot in common - one of those commonalities being that they both hate America as she was founded.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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