Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Van Jones: GOP Small Government Dangerous Proposition

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Van Jones, Obama former Green Czar, is a self-proclaimed communist. Like Obama, and the democrats, he holds the federal government on a pedestal. According to the Washington Examiner, Van Jones recently went on his own verbal attack against the Republican Party, claiming that the small government goals of the GOP is dangerous to society, and will poison the children. Specifically, he was on the attack about the republican goal to complete the Keystone Pipeline.

Jones praised the activists, and condemned the protesters, regarding the pipeline. He said of the activists, "They said, 'we're not going to let them jab this dirty needle of a pipeline into America. We're not going to let them take the dirtiest energy ever created and cook it up and stick it into this country. Through their courage, the project was derailed."

When it came to the protesters, his tone changed, saying that the protesters had already "watched the hopes of a planet be destroyed by a do-nothing, obstructionist Congress that still has not moved on climate change, that still has not moved on clean energy, that has been stuck on stupid -- afraid of science now for three or four years."

Then he brought the GOP desire to eliminate the unconstitutional EPA into the conversation. "They say we've got to eliminate the EPA -- just wipe it out," he said. "The EPA, which has probably saved more American lives in the past 30 years than even the Department of Defense. The EPA which is keeping the poison out of our childrens' bodies."

The Keystone pipeline would be a safer way to transport oil than a sea-going tanker, and the "dirtiest energy" he refers to, oil, comes from the ground. It is as natural as the wind and the sun. Oil is efficient, and is used for much more than just fuel. Our oil use is not causing the planet's temperature to rise or fall. These cycles existed long before the first fuel burning vehicle ever hit the road. The republicans are not afraid of science, they just realize that global warming is a pseudo-science designed with fake models and false claims for the purpose of allowing the government greater control over the energy usage of the people. As for wiping out the EPA? You are damn right, Mr. Jones. The illegal agency needs to go bye-bye.

Van Jones, and his liberal democrat and socialist buddies, do not understand this because their premise is all screwed up. They call the Congress a "do-nothing" Congress because it refuses to be a rubber stamp for Obama. Debate is a good thing. Our system was designed to be that way so that no one man could have unlimited power. The socialist leftists don't understand those concepts. They believe that without the federal government, nothing would ever get done. Individuals, individual States, and anything lower than the ruling elite at the federal level, are incapable of making sure the right thing to do is accomplished.

The argument by Van Jones is that without the federal Environmental Protection Agency, the environment would not be protected, sludge would be spewed, and all havoc would break loose. The liberal left wants you to believe that without the federal government doing everything, nothing good could ever happen.

In a conversation with an old southern democrat, the gentleman began to list federal accomplishments by democrats at the federal level, and then asked me, "Would any republican do any of those things?"

The premise he used was that if the federal government didn't make those things happen, they would never come into existence.

The problem is, the EPA, much like the long list of democrat federal accomplishments told to me by my friend, are all illegal. The law of the land, the U.S. Constitution, does not give the federal government the authority over environmental issues. As the 10th Amendment states, if it is not a federal authority, and not prohibited to the States, it is a State issue. Environmental protection is not listed in the Constitution, nor in any subsequent amendments, as an authority expressly granted to the federal government. The authority of environmental protection is also not prohibited to the States anywhere in the Constitution. Therefore, it is a State authority.

Liberals, at this point of the conversation, then begin to spew their emotions, claiming that without the EPA we'd have dirty water and dirty air and a destroyed planet.

As Reid once said, "Republicans want to make water less safe to drink."


The GOP believes in limited government. Limited government does not mean, necessarily, less government, though in the face of the leviathan we now face, it does.  Limited government more specifically means, "A government that acts within the authorities granted to it."

Environmental protection is a State issue, the federal government has no legal authority to be involved with the issue.

As for the liberal argument that such an action would "make water less safe to drink," I must ask if the democrats truly believe that left to our own devices we would destroy our own environment? Some States may be more strict than others, but overall, the States would act in a responsible manner, and perhaps even innovate, since the States compete against each other. How is innovation possible with the federal government controlling everything?

Ultimately, the federal government is not our be all and save all. As Reagan so aptly put it, "Government is not the solution. Government is the problem."

Now, for just a moment, could you imagine how much less money the federal government would be spending if it stayed within its constitutional restraints? And if States eliminated their destructive entitlement systems, along with the federal government, there would be more than enough money to properly regulate pollutants, and such.

Then, maybe just then, we might not wind up bankrupt, like Greece.

So, to answer Van Jones, the GOP does not want to poison the children. They just want to transfer the authorities back where they belong - to the States.

Van Jones doesn't like that, though. He is in favor of strong central governments. That is just what communists believe.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Van Jones: GOP Will Kill EPA, Poison Kids - Washington Examiner

Democrats Rip GOP Energy Package - Roll Call

Harry Reid Says Republicans Want to Put Arsenic and Mercury in the Water - CNS News

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