Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pro-Choice is Pro-Abortion, and in one video, the liberals Cheers Abortion

Audio: Left-wing Conference Cheers Abortion

A familiar "pro-choice" trope is that abortion should be "safe, legal and rare." No one is pro-abortion, we're told, and it's insulting to suggest otherwise. But evidence of abortion celebration abounds. Lefty 'ethicists' have advocated post-birth abortions, feminist activists have rhapsodized about how much they "love abortion," and most Democrats regularly vote against even broadly-supported attempts to limit the so-called "right to choose" -- including measures that give women access to more medical information prior to making an abortion decision. The Left also fights tenaciously to maintain federal funding for America's largest abortion provider, even though the organization has been caught on tapecovering up statutory rape, accommodating explicitly racist donors, and agreeing to performgender-selective, late term abortions. Again, though, no one is pro-abortion. Which brings us to Netroots Nation, an annual gathering of hardcore liberals, put on by Daily Kos. This year's keynote speaker was Darcy Burner, a former Microsoft executive who's running for Congress in Washington State. Conservative blogger Melissa Clouthier attended Burner's address and filed this account:

Finish Reading at TownHall

These people disgust me. Post-birth abortion? You mean like in Rome just before the collapse where their morality was so out of whack that parents were allowed by law to kill their children up to the age of two years old by leaving them on the side of the road to die of exposure for reasons as simple as not approving of the color of the child's eyes? Christians often attempted to rescue the children, and then were jailed for their actions.

Feminism and abortion supporters have perpetrated genocide in America. America's children are being slaughtered in the womb, and they applaud it.

It disgusts me.

They don't even have enough decency to give these murdered children a tombstone.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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